What might have served you, is holding you back now

What might have served you, is holding you back now

What might have served you, is holding you back now 600 600 Admin

We have these strategies we develop to get through, to cope, to fit in etc.

What might have worked in one phase of our lives might be expired strategy for another phase in our lives. Imagine if you ate the same way today as you did when you were 5years old. Imagine the way you handled relationships when you were 20 years old today would that be ideal?

Imagine if your parents fought a lot and didn’t really communicate and you learned this from them. Now you are married do you think you will need some updates in some strategies of how to relate ?

We can’t use the same strategies that we have used in the past today or strategies we have today in the future.

As we get older, as our lives deepen and change we must also upgrade our approaches to life.

Look at how many times we update our electronic devices.

Life is constantly asking us to adapt, change , to remain responsive and dynamic to life.

Heart rate variability is an interesting thing. The more healthy your heart is, the more variable and dynamic its rhythms are through the day. The more sick your heart is the less variable it is.

Have a new client who was sent to boarding school when she was 13years old. A 13 hours flight form her home country.

She learned to be tough on the outside to make sure she didn’t get bullied.

She even said everyone knew not to mess with me. So this was a “persona” she developed to cope with a new and scary environment.

Now she is in her 40s and she’s still going about life in the same way, the “though” persona. At this point it is causing a lot of tension especially in the lower neck. She came in with a complaint of tight neck and shoulders.

When we are using anger and toughness to push people away to make sure we don’t get betrayed; the part of the spine it tends to affect is the lower neck part of the spine, which also affects the shoulders and arms. It tends to pull the lower neck into a forward posture and even in some people creates a dowager’s hump.

As she gets NSA care; the wave will help her connect to her authentic spinal alignment and rhythm. This re-alignment to who she really is will allow her to be more authentic, vulnerable, will allow people close to her and that fear of betrayal will not be there. So much more will unravel from there.

This is how your spine is related to your life and the difference between living life from alignment with who you really are rather than “personas” we had to develop to survive certain aspects of life. Which cause us to misalign from ourself; which show up in the spine as spinal misalignments.

What expired strategies are you using?

How is it affecting your spine and health?