Network Spinal Analysis

The Steps To Your Upgrade

By looking at your spine and neurology we can read the settings of your subconscious mind, this lets us rewire you to what your life currently needs from you. Most of our day/life is run by our subconscious mind. Wouldn’t you love to shift these unconscious patterns into consciousness, so you can be at choice? Align to the life you are born to live. Your soul fulfilled destiny.

  • STEP01


    Your neurological patterns influence

    • how you experience life
    • why the same event is traumatic for some and a defining point for others
  • STEP02


    Discover your true nature (before all the conditioning)

    • what makes you tick
    • your gifts and your blind spots
  • STEP03


    How to digest chronic and or traumatic stress and emotions without going into overwhelm. By building your nervous system’s capacity.

    • so you can experience your experience
    • increase your processing power and your bandwidth
  • STEP04


    How to go from normal and boring to Magic and multi-dimensional

    • 3D world says it’s impossible
    • The 5D world says of course!
  • STEP05


    Learn to connect to different aspects of yourself

    • Set you up for what resources you and your life currently needs from you
Frontal Lobe AKA Magical Brain

Frontal Lobe AKA MAGICAL Brain

  • inspired, love, compassion, authentic, strategic, collaborative
  • life & body flows, healing happens

Monkey Brain

  • drama, repetition, fittting in, stuck in unhealthy and self sabotaging patterns

Reptile Brain

  • escape, survive, fight, body contracts and you react
  • tension level of the spinal cord determines what brain you have access to

free intro

Come and learn how much is possible when you use your nervous system in an optimal way. Your nervous system colours your experience of life. Meet me at this session and see how I blend magic with science…





Let’s work together one on-one to elevate your life by harnessing the power of your nervous system. I will guide you through enhancing your relationships, work, and health.

Transformative Weekend Retreat



Join me for a transformative weekend retreat filled with magic. Experience a rewiring of your nervous system, and gain skills on aligning your body, emotions, mind and soul.

What My Clients Say

A MAN Reconnecting With EMOTIONS & How It Affects His Kids

NSA & SRI have alowed me to re-connect with emotions that i have burried for decades. I now realize that I have been socialized my entire life to suppress and disconnect with feelings of anger and sadness in particular. As a parent, I would get trigered when my kids expressed these emotions as well. I found myself guiding them to be more positive by perpetuating the same socialization that i received as a child. However, I am now more able to support and encourage my kids when they express sadness, anger, frustration, disappointment, etc. I can see their behavior as a natural part of the emotional spectrum. Instead of telling them to “cheer up” or “get over it,” or trying to distract their sadness with humor to change their state, I can now be calmly present with them as they express their emotions freely and without judgement. This approach is strengthening the level of connection and trust that I am building with my kids. As a result, our kids now rebound from feelings of anger and frustration more easily and faster than before. They also seem to find it more acceptable and “normal” to feel whatever they are feeling and express it in tears or whatever. I admit that kids shouting in the house when they are angry was never done when i was young and that takes getting used to (trigger check!) but they just seem more comfortable in their own skin.

A MAN Reconnecting With EMOTIONS & How It Affects His Kids

Therapist. Mom Of 3. Wife. Community Leader

Linda, been thinking where to begin with my care journey! Here it is so far, I came to you as I was in a stage of life where I was feeling v flat and not knowing why. I have a beautiful family, loving husband and lovely children and a newly built home and surrounded by many loved ones and blessings. Life is gd but I was not waking up feeling the zest for life. After the first session, I was quite struck by the burst of energy I had after the nap.. I felt refreshed and recharged and so was v drawn to Hv more! Subsequent sessions saw that I was in the extreme fatigue phase, needed to sleep a lot and I felt a lot more aches and pain that I never experienced before. Ironic. But along the way, one of the sessions you told me abt my compressed anger / feelings… And I have flashes of incidents that happened to me that resonated in me. It’s almost like God talking to me. Anyhow I thought abt it and processed and next came another session where you spoke abt learning to say no rather than yes.. Responsibility vs what I really wanted! This boundary issue has been my struggle all the time. All my life been I have been a highly responsible person so I take on a lot even though I shld say no to a lot of it. Anyhow.. The weeks following I find myself learning to say no more.. Esp to the small things and it feels like I have a lot more freedom. And am catching myself a lot more these days to discern when to say yes and no. Another shift came when you talked about pushing my chest forward and allowing myself to be more feminine. That struck me a lot. Cos really am not v feminine.. Assuming a lot of masculine roles at home prob because of my childhood and my hubby being so busy I take on a lot more just to free him a bit more. But that meant also in our relationship I was in command. Gd and bad I suppose. Unknowingly, I began to let go and let him lead, almost allowing myself to let him take care of me. And I suppose being in care together meant we could openly share about our experience and he also noticed the shift. And lastly as I find myself less fatigued and more alive, I am able to reconnect with God / my soul and have clearer directions, I find myself doing less but more (in terms of quality) being more present and more focused. Slowly I am finding that range of emotions from being explosive (expressive) to being passionate and loving . Think more being true to my emotions rather than keeping those emotions in there. Am not sure I make sense but it certainly feels right for me. Am looking forward to more transformation.

Therapist. Mom Of 3. Wife.
Community Leader

Dentist With Eczema & Neck Pain

I totally recommend NSA for a myriad of things! I went to see Dr Linda because I had unexplained eczema and my neck hurt so much. I would get spasms of pain every two weeks. I thought it was my line of work or pillow and I changed it to a really expensive one lol. But it still hurt. I finally took my friend’s advice to go to one of Dr Linda’s talks after the first trial session with her, I was hooked. She said things about me just from feeling my spine that no one else could have known about! As I progress with each session, I feel myself changing. My body’s feedback increased, I can feel how much feedback I hadn’t been getting from my body, my neck doesn’t hurt anymore (it’s been pain free for 5 mths), the eczema has lessened by 60 percent, and most amazing of all are the emotional effects. I feel a lot calmer and less triggered by stuff. It’s a really useful and amazing state to be in. When tough stuff gets thrown your way, my reaction nowadays is more like just uggghh let’s deal with it! Still looking forward to more sessions. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for me!

Dentist With Eczema & Neck Pain

Anxious Banker No More!

I am a banker and have a lot of workplace stress; I came to Dr. Linda with sleep problems and overall anxiety. I basically had been taking xanax along with a bottle of wine to sleep for about 6 months straight. What I realized in care is that this anxiety and almost inability to shut my mind off was me not acknowledging or allowing myself to feel or experience any of the range of emotions I had experienced on a daily basis. If it wasn’t convenient or didn’t follow my plan then it got shoved away, in my back initially until it was convenient to feel them, which was never! Now I am connecting with my body and allowing myself to be with these emotions, and discovering what they really mean. I am beginning to trust in my ability to face life. I am no longer needing the alcohol or pills to sleep. I feel motivated empowered to finally make the changes in my life.

Anxious Banker No More!

Contact Dr Linda - Schedule Healing & Wellness Sessions

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If you’re interested, please reach out to
Dr Linda
WhatsApp only: +65 88 123 507
email: [email protected]