What is the point of FEELING?

What is the point of FEELING?

What is the point of FEELING? 600 600 Admin

As you get care you will feel more easily: pain and pleasure

You will realize you can use your pains to make progress in your life and who you have been being or not being.

Remember computers update all the time and so must we, but we tend to not till we have pain.

The tendency is to push pain away, ignore it and move on, then the pain increases and our life further derails to gain our attention.

There is no escaping pain, the sooner you get this the easier of a time you will have!

Pain is your feedback remember for when you are derailing form who you must be in life.

Network Spinal Analysis aka NSA allows us to :

0-We have been in fight flight (we use the hind brain: we become numb to our inner signals- attention goes outside to make sure we survive the threats out there! This is why we try to control life outside and complain about outside circumstances.)

1-Un-numb-As you get NSA your neurology shifts from spinal cord tension and hind brain to prefrontal cortex and loose spinal cord. This connects us to rest, digest, growth, build mode.

2-You start becoming more aware of your body as attention comes inside via the frontal lobe where you start having more connection with yourself and hence your reaction or lack of reaction to the outside is what starts becoming clear to you.

3-Then you realize the only thing you have power over is your response, as the outside will do what the outside does! Work, people, etc.

4-You start becoming aware of your tension and your ease. You start noticing what is incongruent, how?

You notice certain actions, thoughts, plans, perspectives or lack of expressions cause tension build up.
Tension gives you immediate feedback to change your response.
So tension starts becoming your compass, rather than something to be gotten rid of or silenced or avoided.

5-Network Spinal Analysis (NSA),  isn’t about getting rid of your pains so you can go back to your same life so you can be even more comfortable doing and living the way you have been.
This is what all other healthcare attempt to do (allopathic and alternative).

6-NSA wakes you up to the reality that you and how you handle or don’t handle your life and the decisions you make and don’t make bring you towards alignment and your center or take you further off track.

7-As you get more connected to yourself via more prefrontal lobe connection, what used to be so subtle or used to not get your attention will become louder.
Your pain threshold will decrease!
You will feel pain a lot sooner and it will feel louder!

8-This is great as your body gives you feedback louder and sooner so you can get back on path sooner.
This is meant to be a helpful, if you are looking at care to make you comfortable then you will think this sucks.

9- The primary agreement we must have and continue to have is; I am not looking to make you comfortable.
I am looking to help you get connected and help you feel more.  You can be more self referencing and self corrective based on your body’s feedback so you can be in alignment to yourself.

10. When we are in alignment, we receive the nourishment of life! This is when life feels amazing!

We are supposed to feel amazing when we are in congruence and on path with who we are.
We are supposed to feel horrible when we are out of congruence with who we are.

You find out visit by visit who are you and who are you not! 🙂

A person under care had this connection they made between their pain and their life:

I’d wake up at night feeling like I had an angry red, Darth Vader light saber shooting out of my big toe. Symptoms would show up in my hands too. Took me a while to notice there were times when I’d feel compelled to drink a few beers… get a good buzz going or maybe eat a bag of those sea salt and vinegar chips.

Took me some more time to notice that there was this energy that would creep up from my liver. About the time it hit my lower neck, I’d start to get agitated and angry.

Found that a few beers or some chips would push that energy back down. BUT about 2 weeks later, I’d get light saber shooting out my toe.

Over time the joints in my foot started to deform. That really got my attention. So started sitting with the anger. Tried to bargain with it at times… maybe cleaner alcohol, maybe gluten free alcohol, maybe hard alcohol, but alcohol seemed to be the common denominator no matter how long it’d been since I’d imbibed. Also bread and cheese seemed to play a role.

Finally got it. Body is saying, “don’t drink to numb, feel this.” Transforming the anger that came up has been very powerful. Not as much anger these days. Now it’s fear and sadness. No light saber shooting out of my toe, anymore.