What is the goal of care ? (simplified version)
For your spine to find its own natural alignment, which will center you in life. You will be able to move your energy through your entire spine and body freely.
This natural alignment creates mind body connection, where you can in real time get feedback from your body and know how well you are interfacing with your life. When you get this kind of body feedback, you change your actions and plans and the meanings you give to things naturally.
Your body becomes an odometer, you know how fast you are going or how slow and what is needed when. This is the ultimate, an adaptable system. If you see an action or thought or plan is creating tension, you will make alterations in how you relate with what’s happening immediately.
You get to respond to life from the original impulse of you, rather than life, cultural or family conditionings and strategies that we employed to get through to survive to fit in.
With each wave that goes through your spine you get aligned you to your authentic you and the wave melts the defense loops that play out in the body and nerve system which influence your health, emotions, thoughts and actions.
-It will no longer be a mystery why you have pain, when you do have pain.
-You will have a deeper and richer experience of life; even when you do mundane things.
-You will naturally take more loving actions.
-You will achieve your dreams with drive focus and fulfillment will become a reality.
-Aligning to yourself allows your body, emotions, mind, and spirit to nourish you.