Join Dr. Linda Bedessian John for a magical and transformative weekend retreat that promises an intimate experience. Prepare to undergo a rewiring of your nervous system and acquire techniques to harmonize your body, emotions, mind, and soul.

During this exclusive time with Dr. Linda, she will delve into the unseen aspects and evaluate the wiring of your nervous system, shedding light on how it has influenced your current life circumstances.

Discover how your nervous system has shaped your actions, health, emotions, relationships, and business outcomes.

Through exposure to diverse energies and the rewiring of your nervous system, you will break free from stuckness and start living the life you’ve always dreamed of but previously felt out of reach.


20th to 22nd September

(Limited to 35 people only)

This weekend of magic will cover

  • Basic health information and understanding of the spine and nerve system.
  • 12 somatic exercises that will move you from pain to power to gratitude.
  • A map to identify where you are at and how to navigate to where you must be.
  • Importance of feminine and masculine dynamics and embodiment.
  • Learn the four fundamental personality types.
  • Learn what your gifts are and what you are meant for and not meant for and how to navigate.

And so much more!

  • For the people having table sessions in the evening; you will learn about spinal patterns and what they mean and how they have influenced your perspectives, actions and the structure of your body, health, relating and business.
  • For the people watching and observing the table sessions you will also gain so much, can’t wait for you to see the magic and how it even touches you.


18th to 20th October

(Limited to 15 people only)

This weekend of magic will cover

  • Basic health information and understanding of the spine and nerve system.
  • 12 somatic exercises that will move you from pain to power to gratitude.
  • A map to identify where you are at and how to navigate to where you must be.
  • Importance of feminine and masculine dynamics and embodiment.
  • Learn the four fundamental personality types.
  • Learn what your gifts are and what you are meant for and not meant for and how to navigate.

And so much more!

  • For the people having table sessions in the evening; you will learn about spinal patterns and what they mean and how they have influenced your perspectives, actions and the structure of your body, health, relating and business.



Friday Day 1 DISCOVER

In a safe and fun environment.

Learn about accessing your body and life in ways that you have not known about before.

We will take inventory of the parts of ourselves that cause us problems and pain.

We will address them via the body, using nerve system accessing techniques via simple exercises that can be done in less than 5 minutes.

You will take these exercises into your life and use them on yourself and people you love to help them go from pain to peace.

You will be given maps to know what exercise to do when and how.

8:30 am – 9 am registration and welcome

9:00 am – 11 am welcome to your spine and your nerve system introduction – handouts + consent forms

11:00 am – 11:30 am going over handouts

11:30 am – 12 noon what did they learn from the talk that applies to them

12 noon – 1:00 pm lunch break(Lunch provided in European retreats)

1:00 pm – 1:10 pm somatic intro – the vagus nerve – para sympathetic nerve system and forebrain

1:10 pm – 1:20 pm 4 seasons with focus on season of Discover

1:20 pm – 1:30 pm 4 types of breath and what they mean

  • how to find peace in your body
  • how to find tension
  • how to find disconnection
  • how to make sounds and what the importance of facial expressions and touch are

1:30 pm – 1:40 pm stage 1 intro and how to do it

1:40 pm -2:00 pm practice while they think about their primary concern

2:00 pm – 2:30 pm share 1 min share per person

2:30 pm – 2:40 pm break

2:40 pm – 2:50 pm stage 2 intro and how to do it

2:50 pm – 3:10 pm practice while they think about their concern
what is their major polarity (good girl bad girl)
who they will desert share with (mom / dad)

3:10 pm – 3:40 pm share 1 min share per person

3:40 pm -3:50 pm break

4:00 pm – 4:20 pm practice while they think about their concern what is stuck in their life

4:20 pm – 4:50 pm share 1 min share per person

4:50 pm – 5:10 pm what did they learn from the season of discover

5:15 pm -8:15 pm table session DISCOVER (15 people )

  • for the people who are getting table sessions
  • get ready: clothing, hair up, get phone ready to record the session
  • for the people who are going to watch and sponsor
  • no talking or chit chat no phones please
  • you are sponsoring and it will feel like you are also getting the session



Saturday Day 2 TRANSFORM

In a safe and fun environment.

Learn about accessing your body and life in ways that you have not known about before.

We will focus on solutions and what we need more of to meet the demands of our life optimally.

We will address them via the body, using nerve system accessing techniques via simple exercises that can be done in less than 5 minutes.

You will take these exercises into your life and use them on yourself and people you love to help them go from pain to peace.

You will be given maps to know what exercise to do when and how.

9:00 am – 9:15 am sharing or questions

9:15 am – 9:25 am 4 seasons with focus on season of Transform
multiple perspetives to have in transfrom

9:25 am – 9:35 am feminine masculine

  • spine
  • how they do transform
  • what is important for them
  • why it is important to be in your nature

9:35 am – 9:40 am attachment styles so important in relationships

9:40 am -9:50 am 4 temperaments

  • what is yours

9:50 am -10:10 am what is your style of making change with efficiency

10:10 am -10:20 am stage 4 intro and how to do it

10:20 am -10:40 am practice while they think about their concern

  • what are they claiming

10:40 am – 11:00 am share 1 min share per person

11:00 am – 11:10 am break


11:10 am – 11:20 am stage 5 intro and how to do it

11:20 am – 11:40 am practice while they think about their concern

  • what story/glass ceiling are they melting

11:40 am – 12 noon share 1 min share per person

12 noon – 1:00 pm lunch break(Lunch provided in European retreats)

1:00 pm -1:10 pm stage 6 intro and how to do it

1:10 pm – 1:30 pm practice while they think about their concern

  • what time space repetition are they building

1:30 pm – 1:50 pm share 1 min share per person

1:50 pm – 2:00 pm break

2:00 pm – 2:10 pm stage 7 intro and how to do it

2:10 pm – 2:30 pm practice while they think about their concern

  • what is resolving, what is outgrown

2:30 pm – 2:50 pm share 1 min share per person

2:50 pm – 3:00 pm break

3:00 pm – 3:30 pm multiple perspectives ( masc fem/4 temperaments/attachment/triad)

3:30 pm -4:00 pm what did they learn from the season of Transform

4:00 pm – 7:00 pm table session 2 TRANSFORM (15 people)

  • for the people who are getting table sessions
  • get ready: clothing, hair up, get phone ready to record the session
  • for the people who are going to watch and sponsor
  • no talking or chit chat no phones please
  • you are sponsoring and it will feel like you are also getting the session



Sunday Day 3 AWAKEN

In a safe and fun environment.

Learn about accessing your body and life in ways that you have not known about before.

We will receive the gifts from our woundings and connect to the wisdom of the universe and we will have physical experiences of what it is like to be part of the web of life.

We will address them via the body, using nerve system accessing techniques via simple exercises that can be done in less than 5 minutes.

You will take these exercises into your life and use them on yourself and people you love to help them go from pain to peace.

You will be given maps to know what exercise to do when and how.

9:00 am – 9:10 am sharing

9:10 am – 9:15 am pseudo awaken and hyper vigilance

9:15 am – 9:25 am 4 seasons with focus on season of Awaken

9:25 am – 9:35 am demo stage 8

9:35 am – 9:45 am do stage 8 they think about their concern

9:45 am – 10:05 am share stage 8 1 min share per person

10:05 am – 10:15 am demo stage 9

10:15 am – 10:25 am stage 9 they think about their concern

10:25 am – 10:45 am share stage 9 1 min share per person

10:45 am – 10:55 am the magic of soul and the difference between light of truth and love

10:55 am – 11:00 am break

11 am – 11:10 am demo stage 10

11:10 am – 11:20 am stage 10 thinking about their concern

11:20 am – 11:40 am stage 10 share 1 min share per person

11:40 am – 12 noon the magic of the universe and us being part of the web of life and the responsibility with that

12 noon – 1:00 pm lunch break(Lunch provided in European retreats)


1:00 pm – 1:10 pm stage 11 demo

1:10 pm – 1:25 pm stage 11 thinking about their concern and blessings to receive from who/what

1:25 pm – 1:45 pm stage 11 share 1 min share per person

1:45 pm – 1:55 pm share

1:55 pm – 2:00 pm break

2:00 pm – 2:10 pm stage 12 demo

2:10 pm – 2:25 pm stage 12 while thinking about their concern

2:25 pm – 2:45 pm stage 12 share 1 min share per person

2:45 pm -3:15 pm learnings from the season of awaken

3:15 pm – 3:30 pm learnings from this whole weekend of magic so far

3:30 pm -4:00 pm spinal tensions and what they mean spinal patterns and how they color your world

4:00 pm – 7:00 pm table session 3 Awaken (15 people)

  •  for the people who are getting table sessions
  • get ready: clothing, hair up, get phone ready to record the session
  • for the people who are going to watch and sponsor
  • no talking or chit chat no phones please
  • you are sponsoring and it will feel like you are also getting the session

7:00 pm – 8:00 pm sharing what did you gain re your concern, how are you wiser now? Celebrate the weekend of Magic

(5-10 people you can share this with who would benefit- now that you know what magic is possible )




  • 1000 Euros

During the program

  • Seating in the back of the room
  • During the event the volunteer(s) make sure you get the exercise

No Coaching

  • Coaching support can be bought monthly or bimonthly in addition to this program
    • 300 Euros for I call
    • 1000 Euros for 4 calls

No table sessions

  • Can support + watch + learn from the table sessions of others
  • Remember we are one human family and you can’t imagine how much you can get just by being in the energy and supporting

After event

  • Group calls 1 x monthly support calls on zoom w Linda
  • Student volunteers do 2x a month practice group



  • 2500 Euros

During the program

  • Seating up front
  • During the event Dr. Linda makes sure you get the exercise

No Coaching

  • Coaching support can be bought monthly or bimonthly in addition to this program
    • 300 Euros for I call
    • 1000 Euros for 4 calls

Table sessions

  • 3 table sessions total – 1 each evening with Dr Linda (allows personal spinal patterns keeping you stuck to shift like the blink of an eye)
  • The group will be supporting to increase the energy
  • You will also be supporting + watching + learning from not only your sessions but also others sessions

After event

  • Group calls 1 x monthly support calls on zoom w Linda
  • Student volunteers do 2x a month practice group



  • 5000 Euros

During the program

  • Seating front row
  • During the event Dr. Linda makes sure you get the exercise


  • Comes with 12 sessions of coaching support
    • Monthly or bimonthly
    • To insure you have the help and guidance that you need to make the changes you must make

Table sessions

  • Priority spots each evening for the table sessions
  • 3 table sessions total – 1 each evening with Dr Linda (allows personal spinal patterns keeping you stuck to shift like the blink of an eye)
  • The group will be supporting to increase the energy
  • You will also be supporting + watching + learning from

After event

  • Group calls 1 x monthly support calls on zoom w Linda
  • Student volunteers do 2x a month practice group


  • Bring your own drinks and food for the entire day (Singapore).
  • European events are catered.
  • Yoga mat, pen & notebook.
  • Comfortable clothing that is natural fiber (cotton, linen, silk, wool ).
  • Socks – put on a NEWLY WASHED pair of socks when you come into the office (this does not mean the socks that you had on that you came in with. So I am not touching someone’s sweaty feet then touching someone else’s neck.
  • Smell – no perfumes, and please don’t wear things that have a lot of scent.
  • MUST wear workout clothing – cotton sweat pants and cotton t-shirt
    • No wind breaker/plastic pants, no collars or hoodies, no tank tops or criss cross back tops, no bumpy or strappy sports bras.
    • This is so I can clearly and easily feel your spine.
  • NO STRIPES or patterns that make my eyes wiggle because then I can’t look at your spine in a clear way. Plain t shirt and easy to feel your spine pants with no textures, lumps, bumps or patterns and for ladies put your hair up with a band not clips so I have easy access to your spine and no tank tops and stringy criss crossing bras please.
  • NO BELTS (they rip the tables up).
  • NO ear or neck JEWLERY – take necklaces and earrings off as they get in the way.
  • Try not to have too much makeup and take lipstick off before you get on the table, as they get on the tables.
  • Put your hair up with a hair tie not the hair clips.
  • Phones in airplane mode the entire time you are in the seminar please.


  • Enter quietly, respecting that you are entering a space for health, enlivening and healing.
  • Watch the volume of your voice, no small talk please and move about gently.
  • Please turn your cell phones on airplane mode.
  • Put your cell phone away, do not use when in the room as I can hear your thoughts and it is very disruptive.


  • When you are face down you should be focusing on your body and what your body wants to do and feel.
  • And whatever positions it wants to hold and allowing yourself to do it. It is like allowing your instincts to come out instead of focusing on what your head is thinking or trying to figure it out mentally. The first part of connection is letting your instincts start expressing and for you to learn to act on your instincts. In between the contacts I make, you should be letting your body process the new information and aligning yourself to it. This is why I give you time in between the contacts to move, to be with, to breathe, the hold your body in whatever ways it needs to be.
  • When you are done, I will tell you to sit up.
  • I will ask, if necessary, what you noticed.
  • The strategies we installed in that session will keep rippling out into your nerve system and in your life.
  • Once a strategy is installed you have it for a lifetime!
  • We will one visit at a time help you learn the strategies that work for you! After your visit continue to observe yourself, your instincts and your responses. Care does not end when you leave the weekend, it continues! Observe yourself as in you are the star in your movie of life!!!!


  • Please share this with your friends. You were referred to me so keep it going!
  • When you’d like to refer someone, send them to my website or 3 way whats app us.
    • Just tell them that it will help them with their concern and I will show them the how. Don’t try to explain the how to them 🙂


As you know I help you on so many levels and I am very, very open as a person so I might say and do and connect with you in ways that you might not have connected with others, or other Drs in this depth or soul connection way. When I look at you I look into your soul. As a result, sometimes people mistake this for something else…

So I want to be clear, if you find yourself feeling emotions towards me or that you might have feelings for me, it is not me you are feeling this way towards. It is the care and the nature of the care, so please do not mistake the depth that I will be connecting with you as anything else other than soul-to- soul, human-to human – at the depth we humans were meant to connect with each other.

Please respect the doctor/client relationship at all times and with every interaction.