Who I work with :

  • People who are looking to take massive action to shift who they are showing up as so their health, emotions, relationships and wealth get to benefit and as a result they are able to share their gifts in the most effective way with their communities.
  • Babies and kids because they are our future!

Who I do not work with:

  • People who want me to fix them and want no involvement in their own healing.
  • People who are looking to stay the same minus their back pain or relating issues.
  • People who are not looking to take massive action to shift who they are being and are sailing into their sunset years.
  • People who are cancer-ing and have gone or going through chemo and radiation as this energy is quite sticky and I don’t have the skills to work with this disease and energies.
Contact Dr Linda - Schedule Healing & Wellness Sessions
Network Spinal Analysis

The Steps To Your Upgrade

By looking at your spine and neurology we can read the settings of your subconscious mind, this lets us rewire you to what your life currently needs from you. Most of our day/life is run by our subconscious mind. Wouldn’t you love to shift these unconscious patterns into consciousness, so you can be at choice? Align to the life you are born to live. Your soul fulfilled destiny.

  • STEP01


    Your neurological patterns influence

    • how you experience life
    • why the same event is traumatic for some and a defining point for others
  • STEP02


    Discover your true nature (before all the conditioning)

    • what makes you tick
    • your gifts and your blind spots
  • STEP03


    How to digest chronic and or traumatic stress and emotions without going into overwhelm. By building your nervous system’s capacity.

    • so you can experience your experience
    • increase your processing power and your bandwidth
  • STEP04


    How to go from normal and boring to Magic and multi-dimensional

    • 3D world says it’s impossible
    • The 5D world says of course!
  • STEP05


    Learn to connect to different aspects of yourself

    • Set you up for what resources you and your life currently needs from you
Frontal Lobe AKA Magical Brain

Frontal Lobe AKA MAGICAL Brain

  • inspired, love, compassion, authentic, strategic, collaborative
  • life & body flows, healing happens

Monkey Brain

  • drama, repetition, fittting in, stuck in unhealthy and self sabotaging patterns

Reptile Brain

  • escape, survive, fight, body contracts and you react
  • tension level of the spinal cord determines what brain you have access to

Common physical pain and symptoms from living life out of alignment:

  • arthritis / joint pain
  • insomnia
  • neck pain / back pain
  • cold / flu / allergies / sinus trouble / runny nose
  • eczema / psoriasis
  • decreased flexibility
  • diabetes
  • fatigue
  • fibromyalgia
  • headaches / migraines
  • high blood pressure / high cholesterol
  • limited range of motion
  • loss of vitality / inspiration
  • motor vehicle accident recovery
  • surgical recovery
  • sports injury recovery
  • muscle tension or weakness
  • numbness / loss of sensation
  • disc slippage (protrusion, prolapse)
  • pms
  • poor posture / scoliosis
  • add / adhd
  • ear infections
  • colic
  • post birth strains for mom & baby
  • jaw / tmj pain
  • carpel tunnel
  • tennis elbow
  • shoulder pain
  • knee pain
  • sciatica
  • plantar fasciitis
  • asthma / difficulty breathing
  • ibs / stomach & digestive problems
  • anxiety / depression / bereavement
  • anger / fear
  • sexual problems/ pains
  • hyper-rational / scattered can’t focus
  • relationship problems with spouse or family
  • pregnancy pain
  • thoracic outlet syndrome
  • neurologic disorders
  • laryngitis / vocal cord spasms / hoarseness / sore throat or tense throat
  • trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux) / face pain